... en die kinders en kinds-kinders juig want:
"Ek betoon my liefde tot aan die duisendste geslag
van dié wat My liefhet en my gebooie gehoorsaam"
(Eksodus 20:6)
"Ek betoon my liefde tot aan die duisendste geslag
van dié wat My liefhet en my gebooie gehoorsaam"
(Eksodus 20:6)
The initial live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Vahmt6bgM
Indeks volgens program: Verwelkoming & reëlings - Murray • Koos Louw pt 1 Skyfies - Ferdi • Koos Louw pt 1 Worship - Cheryl • Koos Louw pt 1 Worship - Cheryl (vervolg) • Koos Louw pt 2 Worship - Cheryl (vervolg) • Koos Louw pt 3 Hoof boodskap - Arno • Koos Louw pt 3 Huldeblyk - Perold • Koos Louw pt 3 Kleinkind - Estè • Koos Louw pt 3 |
Broer - Murray • Koos Louw pt 3 Familie gesang • Koos Louw pt 3 Cules Hammann • Koos Louw pt 3 Russia - Hugo van Niekerk • Koos Louw pt 3 Stories from eSwatini - Eldah Mbatha • Koos Louw pt 3 Dries Pauley • Koos Louw pt 3 Afsluiting • Koos Louw pt 3 Einde • Koos Louw pt 4 Onthaal • Koos Louw pt 5 Onthaal • Koos Louw pt 6 |
Ds. Jakobus Murray Louw
19 November 1930 - 14 Maart 2024 (93 jaar)
19 November 1930 - 14 Maart 2024 (93 jaar)
Dankie, Vader God, dat ons 'n rykdom van geestelike seëninge en voorbeelde van ons man, pa en oupa erf!
Hy is gebore in Grasmere, suid van Johannesburg, van Andries en Dorothy (Dot) Louw, beide onderwysers. Hy gaan skool in Heidelberg en later Afrikaans Hoër Seunsskool in Pretoria. Hy behaal sy BA op Stellenbosch Universiteit en BD en lisensiaat in teologie op Pretoria Universiteit. Ons Pappa het die Here se roeping na kruiskulturele sending aanvaar nog voor hy Mamsie (Anneleen de Beer, dogter van ds. Dan de Beer) met uitreikings na Sondagskoolkinders in Mamelodi, Pretoria ontmoet het. Hulle is 22 April 1960 getroud tydens sy bediening in sy eerste gemeente, Maandagshoek in Sekhukhuneland, Lydenburg distrik, (1959-1963). Die tweede gemeente vanwaar hy Cullinan se plase en myne bedien het, was Bronkhorstspruit (1963-1966). Die volgende pos was Ratanang by Bourkes Luck (1966-1972). Van 1973-1982 het hulle in Bethesda gemeente (Dendron) gewerk. Hy was betrokke by gemeentebediening, uitreike, Bybel- en gesangboekvertaling. Hy het Sepedi, isiZulu en siSwati vlot leer praat, en van 1970 af bied Pappa en Mamsie saam taalkursusse aan vir sendelinge tuis, by sendingkonferensies en langer voltydse kursusse. Met meeste kinders uit die huis, is Pappa beroep na Hhohho gemeente in Mbabane in die destydse Swaziland (eSwatini), waar hulle 1983-1993 bedien het. Daar het hulle ordentlik taal geleer, deur by siSwati-mense te gaan woon, om die mense, hulle taal en kultuur aan te leer. Swaziland was 'n wonderlike ervaring met Christene wat uit verskeie dele van die wêreld, kultuurgroepe en kerkverbande saamgewerk het in liefde. Na aftrede in 1993 het hulle na Pretoria verhuis. Hulle het steeds die Brewster/LAMP taalleer-kursusse vir sendelinge aangebied. Hy het betrokke geraak by hospitaal bediening en Radiokansel se telefoonberading-span. Hierdie jare was sy meesvervullende tyd in sy bedieninge. Deur die jare het dinge net beter en beter geword! Met Pappa se 73ste verjaarsdag het ons 'n funksie gehou om hom te vereer en bedank vir sy lewe en liefde. Daar kon ons al die mooi goed oor hom vir hom sê sonder om vir ‘n begrafnis te wag! Dit was so heerlik. Die laaste paar jare het demensie sy interaksie met mense begin beperk maar deur dit alles was hy steeds so wonderlik lief en bedagsaam vir mense en was altyd gereed om te bid... geen onderbreking in sy interaksie met ons hemelse Vader nie! Dankie, Here, dat ons kon deel wees van hierdie standvastige, liefdevolle, lewe toegewy aan U en vol van U! Anneleen, Arno & Anré, Ferdi & Marina, Murray & Cheryl, Perold & Sunette en 13 kleinkinders. |
Thank you, Father God, that we inherit a wealth of spiritual blessings and examples from our husband, father and grandfather!
He was born in Grasmere, south of Johannesburg, to Andries and Dorothy (Dot) Louw, both teachers. He went to school in Heidelberg and later Afrikaans High School for Boys in Pretoria. He obtained his BA at Stellenbosch University and BD and licentiate in theology at Pretoria University. Our Daddy accepted the Lord's call to cross-cultural mission even before he met Mamsie (Anneleen de Beer, daughter of Rev. Dan de Beer) with outreaches to Sunday school children in Mamelodi, Pretoria. They got married on 22 April 1960 while ministring in his first congregation, Maandagshoek in Sekhukhuneland, Lydenburg district, (1959-1963). The second parish from which he served Cullinan's farms and mines was Bronkhorstspruit (1963-1966). The next post was Ratanang at Bourkes Luck (1966-1972). From 1973-1982 they worked in Bethesda congregation (Dendron). He was involved in parish ministry, outreach, Bible and hymn book translation. He learned to speak Sepedi, isiZulu and siSwati fluently, and from 1970, Dad and Mum together offered language courses for missionaries at home, at mission conferences and longer full-time courses. With most of the children out of the house, Papa was called to Hhohho congregation in Mbabane in what was then Swaziland (eSwatini), where they served from 1983-1993. There they learned the language decently, by going to live with siSwati people, to learn the people, their language and culture. Swaziland was a wonderful experience with Christians from various parts of the world, cultural groups and church affiliations working together in love. After retirement in 1993, they moved to Pretoria. They continued to offer the Brewster/LAMP language learning courses for missionaries. He became involved in hospital ministry and RadioPulpit's telephone counseling team. Those years were his most fulfilling time in his ministries. Over the years things just got better and better! On Papa's 73rd birthday we held a function to honor him and thank him for his life and love. There we could tell him all the nice things about him without waiting for a funeral! It was such a wonderful opportunity. In the last few years dementia began to limit his interaction with people but through it all he was still so wonderfully loving and considerate of people and was always ready to pray... no interruption in his interaction with our heavenly Father! Thank you, Lord, that we could be part of this steadfast, loving, life dedicated to You and full of You! Anneleen, Arno & Anré, Ferdi & Marina, Murray & Cheryl, Perold & Sunette and 13 grandchildren. |