(There was no audio recording and the men were away for the weekend retreat)
Mrs. Georgina Trelenberg
Men and women think and view things differently.
Example - last Sunday pastor Trelenberg used a bullet for an object and today mrs. Trelenberg used baking supplies.
When God made man and woman He said "it is good".
Faith is like baking powder, without it the cake is flat.
Jesus wants us to move forward.
There are different measures of faith.
2 Corinthians 10:15 "Neither do we go beyond our limits by boasting of work done by others. Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our sphere of activity among you will greatly expand,"
We all have our own measure of fait.
However our measure needs to grow, and it does so by spending time with God and his word.
Faith is basically an action of obedience.
When we become overrun with problems we need to lean on our faith and God's grace.
Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Faith is being sure of what we hope for.
Faith is our propellant.
Eve was instructed not to eat the forbidden fruit, then came a second voice telling her to eat the fruit.
The world is begging for attention through our earthly senses.
But we need to listen with the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Faith is taking things for fact even though they aren't perceived through the senses.
When we are not in submission our strengths can turn against us and destroy us.
Satan hates our strength because they are the key to moving forward therefore he targets our strengths.
A good place to start sensing the voice of the Lord is by reading the bible.
When satan tempted Jesus via his senses, Jesus decided to suffer instead of listening to His sense of hunger.
When our sense start interfere with our growth it cause even more problematic emotions.
And there will be a season of difficulty in which our faith is tested.
When we want something from God during troubled time don't ask for things from God, declare them through faith.
We need to focus on our heavenly destiny.
Closing Prayer
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